about us.

Founded in 2017 by Brandon Fertig, Expozeur began as an inbound marketing agency with a focus on 'people-first marketing.' We initially specialized in websites, landing pages, funnels, and advertising. Over time, we've evolved our approach to go beyond superficial tactics and deeply understand the core needs of a business. We've learned the importance of not just connecting clients with customers, but also building enduring brands. Our Chief Expozeur Officer has spoken on global platforms, shedding light on the intricate relationship between branding and marketing, which forms the backbone of Expozeur's consulting strategy.

branding: the big picture.

At Expozeur, we believe that a brand is not just the reputation you hold with your clients; it's an all-encompassing identity that extends to your employees, vendors, and partners. Branding is far more than just a visual identity—it's the DNA of your organization, influencing every department from marketing and human resources to IT and sales.

Branding isn't a one-off project; it's a continuous initiative that's deeply rooted in principle. It's not just a part of marketing; it's an integral element of human resources and every other department. In essence, branding sits at the top of the organizational chart, guiding every action and decision.

We've leveraged our expertise to identify the core components that truly make a brand. Our consulting program is built on this foundation and is meticulously structured into phases, steps, and sub-steps. We start with technology and move through brand identity, revenue strategy, marketing and advertising, and miscellaneous operations including human resources.

First, we prepare our clients. Then, we get them expozeur.

our marketing methodology.

At Expozeur, we believe marketing is about more than profits. It's about forming real human connections.

We aim to reshape marketing into something better:

★ Building lasting relationships, not just chasing sales
★ Driving impact, not just pushing products
★ Earning trust, not demanding loyalty

Everything we do starts with brand strategy – understanding who you are and who you solve problems for. Our marketing simply executes that strategy through creative campaigns designed to spark meaningful conversations.

We call this "people-first marketing," and it's rooted in real-world experience and grounded by our Christian faith. More on that later.

We judge our work not by vanity metrics, but by the strength of the connections built between brands and consumers. That matters more than any sales count. There are priceless aspects to branding that we just can't measure or quantify.

At Expozeur, we're branding disruptors and creative misfits. We turn ordinary businesses into extraordinary, memorable brands by creating experiences that connect with people. We apply the design concepts of UX to every aspect of business. #IYKYK

In short, our passion is people-focused marketing that builds something greater than transactions. We help brands form real human connections with those they serve.

about the founder.

Expozeur was founded in 2017 by Brandon Fertig, an experienced marketing and operations leader. Prior to launching the agency, Brandon honed his skills in sales, advertising and web development through full-time roles as a marketing director and executive. In Expozeur's early days, Brandon focused on providing pro bono consulting for non-profits and churches. His passion for marketing and branding led him to name the agency "Expozeur", a play on the word "exposure." Though Expozeur started at that time, Brandon's focus in his full-time responsibilities required him to dedicate his efforts and energy there. In June of 2023, Brandon resigned from his then-position as Chief Operating Officer at a marketing agency.

In Brandon’s full-time roles at organizations like the Medical Tourism Association, Healthcare Revolution, and Global Healthcare Resources, he led marketing departments and oversaw cross-functional operations. His title fluctuated between marketing and operations since the age of 19, with prior prestigious yet undeserved roles in student leadership at the renowned Johnson and Wales University in Providence, RI. Since the age of 14, he had been serving in hospitality roles in golf course dining rooms and their kitchens. That's around the time he technically began his career as a consultant, being paid specifically for the purpose of providing insights to operations. He knew there was a gift from God in that capacity early on in his work, and this carried into the university where he led volunteer teams up until entering the business world and assuming a leadership role before the ripe age of 20.

Brandon has lectured extensively on branding and marketing, both theoretical in speaking to semantics, and practical in guiding execution. He has given workshops, lectures, and keynotes from his bedroom to Ukraine to Abu Dhabi over the last decade. After working with massive corporations, government entities, and small entrepreneurs, Brandon detected the same patterns year after year, accelerating his Master's Degree in the School of Hard Knocks, where he graduated cum laude. A career in small businesses has provided a wealth of experience. Today, he is pursuing Master's in Divinity.

His experience across all types of organizations showed Brandon that few truly understood marketing. Tactics and magic bullets were the focus, not the big idea. Brandon had no problem with funnels and timers – he used them; he made them work; he converted between an astounding 60-80% on many evergreen webinar opt-in pages built in Clickfunnels. But there was something more to building a brand that he wouldn't come to fully understand until half a dozen rebrands, a few hundred clients, and a few hundred thousand ads.

To us, branding is the comprehensive development of an entity, organization, or individual with a virtuous mission to leave a purposeful impact.

And now, we have given you our most precious secret: marketing is usually not a business' biggest problem. It's branding!

guided by Christian values.

Marketing and sales has an iffy reputation – rightly so. Snake oil is a popular fare that merchants peddle. We don't like that. And we won't work with those kinds of merchants. We won't help you build a brand unless it is according to:

  1. That which we understand and comprehend.
  2. That which we believe is a valuable solution to a market's problem.
  3. That which God may be glorified in.*

*e.g. anything explicitly sinful or antagonistic towards Jesus Christ would not meet this qualification.

We're not going to justify ourselves here and lay out a case for our righteousness. We'd fail, as we do not possess any. We rest in Christ's righteousness. Nonetheless, as a Christian-owned business, we do want to strive to be obedient in all our life and conduct and yes even our business affairs. We feel that the following list offers insights into what we believe and what our actions are guided by, so that you can have clear expectations.


"Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another." (Leviticus 19:11)
"A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight." (Proverbs 11:1)

Truthfulness and transparency should be the foundation of all our marketing and sales initiatives. We reject any tactics that distort, falsify, or misrepresent. Our advertising will paint an accurate picture of our products, and what we are selling will be a valid solution to a valid product. Marketing and branding will always involve human psychology, and technically, a case could seem to be made for it to be a means of manipulation. Some types of tactics, which we may be for or against, may be left to matters of consciousness rather than inherent sin. In the end, our love for stirring the emotions and affections of men and women should be in the advancement of a product or service which is virtuous and good, as already mentioned.

competition & partnership.

"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12)
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17)

We will honor God in the way we treat competitors and build business relationships. Rather than viewing other companies as enemies to conquer, we recognize them too as children of God worthy of respect. We will compete energetically but ethically - never seeking to tear others down through deceit, disparagement, or dirty tactics. Our marketing should focus on the merits of our products and services. When we help our clients, we use language like "dominate the competition" and we very well treat the endeavor as a game – but our mission is not to literally destroy other businesses. In fact, we believe that there is more opportunity for strategic partnership and affinities than most people see with the naked eye. Where possible, we will partner with other values-driven companies to positively impact each other and our communities.


“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)

Expozeur began by providing pro bono services to churches, ministries, and nonprofits. We saw this as an opportunity to steward our talents and resources. As the company has grown, we've maintained a commitment to giving back. We aim to be a blessing by volunteering expertise, donating services, and partnering with faith-based groups. We believe that as a business we have a responsibility to serve others, not just pursue profits. When we leverage our gifts to serve society and meet needs, it brings glory to God. We are privileged to help churches and ministries where we can. Overall, we strive to honor God as a business that blesses our communities.


you don't need to move the boulder uphill on your own.

We exist to help business owners. Let us help you become a brand.

We treat our clients like family with an unparalleled level of service.

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frequently asked questions.